Playing with Pebeo paints and Skipper

This is Skipper's new best place to sleep. She is doing well but has been sick a few times recently so we are keeping a close eye on her. 

Below are two of the ceramic coasters that I made this week. Had lots of fun playing with my Pebeo fantasy paints. On these two I used both the moon and prisme paints and I just love the textures they produce. Have a great weekend.


Pretinha said…
Parabéns ficou muito bonito, adorei a combinação de cores.
Cafunés para Skipper.
Tenham um ótimo final de semana!
Dr Sonia S V said…
WOW those paints sure do look amazing!!
Faye said…
So glad Skipper has found a place to rest that is comfortable. Your coasters are unique and fabulously beautiful. I will have to look up that kind of paint.
Artyjen said…
Wow! That's a wonderful effect with the Pebeo Anesha. Skipper looks really comfy...glad to hear she is doing so well.
xoxo Sioux
brenda said…
Sensible girl, she certainly knows how to relax in the sun and hope the sinkness is nothing to worry about.

Wonderful effects with the paints Anesha.

B x
Tamago said…
That sure looks great place for Skipper to sleep :-) I'm sorry she got sick. I hope stays well.
Your coasters are very pretty! Have a happy weekend!
skipper...yur swing iz total lee awesum....N joy it N de sun; & due knot
eat sew manee mice at one time....ore ever...that mite be
why ya kinda haz de blahz......pleez ta bee well & stay well N heerz two
a barbel~~less catfish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥
Wow your coasters are gorgeous! I love the texture and abstract design. Skipper looks so sweet and content on the swing couch. Archie is the same, has been sick a few times but is fine at the moment. Take good care, Hugs from Shirley & Archie xx
Skipper sure does look comfy having a nap there =)
Hope she is still doing OK in spite of the upset tummy.
Skipper found a very cool place to sleep !!!!!
I really liked the coaster, were very beautiful !!!!
Have a great day !!!!
A meow of Bilbo
Andrea, said…
Wow these are fab Anesha, the effect of the paints is wonderful