Sneak Peak

Sneak peak of my project using the Build a Wreath digital set.

The Build-a-Wreath set is a very versatile set.

All of the individual elements have been saved as .png files, which means they have a transparent background for clean and simple merging. That feature, combined with the ability for resizing and flipping, means there is an almost endless array of possible configurations you can discover.
Coming on 1st October  to Beccy's Shop


brenda said…
Always like a Christmas wreath Anesha and this looks interesting.

B x
Tamago said…
Sounds like you are gonna have so much fun :-) I look forward to seeing your creations!
Pretinha said…
Isso me faz pensar como o natal está próximo.
Gostei das cores do seu projeta.
Pretinha said…
Eu quis dizer: projeto e não projeta. hihi
Anesha...the wreath at the bottom right is cool; I like what you've done with your design ~~~
big hugs to skipper from da tabbies ♥♥♥
Andrea, said…
Loving the wreaths Anesha and looking forward to seeing what you create with them
Faye said…
The wreath art is beautiful, Anesha. And I love the header banner of the sunset in Trinidad. WOW!