Happy Belated Birthday Skipper!

Happy Belated Birthday to my baby girl. She was 17 years old on the 15 of May.


OH Skipper you are a gorgeous 17 but only look 12!
Dotty Jo said…
Happis to you, Skipper! Jo x
skipper; ewe R a gorgeouz 17 yeerz young....we send best fishez, happee day wishez, mice creem dishez N lotz oh perch pizza pie two ewe ...we hope yur day rocked, hope ya got sum treetz N sum grazz, hope ya had a mouz ore 12 ;) N heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health ~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ !!!
Happy Belated Birthday to beautiful Skipper, she looks gorgeous and not a day over 5 :) I hope she is doing well, xx
Tamago said…
Happy birthday to Skipper! She looks much younger than 17 :-)
How cool !!! It does not look like Skipper is 17 years old !!!
Very beautiful !!!!
A meow of Frida