Goodbye princess

We had to say goodbye to our little princess, Skipper, yesterday. You have blessed us with your beautiful soul for over 18 years and we are so very grateful. We love you with all our hearts. Till we meet again our little angel, sleep well.


Swissie said…
So sad!
Blessings, Liv
Jane Willis said…
So sorry to hear that. I'm sure she brought you a lot of happiness over the years.
brenda said…
No words can express. B xx
So Sorry to hear the news Anesha. I know how much you will miss her company. She was a lovely girl.
Stef H said…
O NO! o anesha!! i am so very, VERY sorry to hear this. neenah sends hugs, prayers & tears.

So sorry to read your news, sending you a hug and thinking of you
cuilliesocks said…
So sorry to hear this Anesha, Such a painful experience to loose your beloved pet, thinking of you, Hugs Kate x
Tamago said…
Oh no....I'm so sorry to hear your sweet Skipper has left for rainbow bridge. My heart goes out to you going through such a terrible loss. She was so beautiful, and so lucky to have a wonderful home and family. She had lots of fun playing outside, enjoying life. Sending love and hugs to you. xo
Anesha; I am beyond sorry. Skipper was, is, and always will be our gorgeous gal pal across de big pond and we will never forget her. I hope you know if cats spoke "human", skipper would say THANX mum and dad for everything. I hope you both know I love you too ~~~~~~~~~~~ and I always will ♥♥♥♥♥

Godspeed your journey to heaven Skipper; we consider ourselves honored to have known you and to call you friend
We will look for your star next to the tabbies, and those of all our friends, who now live their 10th life in heaven ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

hugs and loves from dai$y, tuna, mackerull, dude, sauce, boomer and FSG laura
Dotty Jo said…
Oh, Anesha, I'm so sorry to read this. You loved her so much d gave her such a happy home. Big hugs, Jo x
Lorraine said…
So sorry to hear your news Anesha.
Sending hugs
Lorraine x
Jules said…
Oh Anesha .. .. what a sad post for you to have to write.

I am so sorry.

Love Jules xx
Dawn Phillips said…
So sorry to hear the news. God Bless you. Love Dawn x
Zoolatry said…
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We are so very sorry to hear about your dear Skipper. Love and hugs from all of us.
Marg said…
So sorry about Skipper. Just know that she had the most wonderful home for all those years. Sending lots of purrs.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. What beautiful memories you and your angel must share, especially after 18 wonderful years together.
pilch92 said…
I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. XO
My Mind's Eye said…
I'm so sorry to read about your beautiful Skipper...I love the photo of her on the table.
Hugs Cecilia
I'm sitting here blubbering with tears flowing down my face. Your sweet Skipper reminds me so of my outdoor Ginger, and I am just so sorry. My heart breaks for you as I can fully understand how 18 years of having a precious furbaby is oh so hard to say goodbye too. I know that's 18 years of memories but it's never enough. You are deeply in my thoughts and prayers, and I will miss that sweet face ever so much.
Duke said…
We are so very sorry to hear about your precious Skipper. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you♥
So sorry for your loss. Soft Pawkisses to comfort you <3 Fly free beautiful soul💗💗💗
catladymac said…
We are sorry to read of Skipper's passing. May she watch over you, for we know se will never be forgotten. Purrs.
Our Purrs Of Comfort to you. 18 years is special, but any time is too short.
John Bellen said…
Eighteen years... Yet it wouldn't matter if it were just one. Love comes swiftly and can stay forever. Godspeed, Skipper.
Dear Princess Skipper, we can see from your photo that you are a magnificent cat who enjoyed her life to the Max. We know your human will be holding you in her heart forever. You lived a long time and must have felt very well loved to have hung around this long! R.I..Pl to you and purrs to your family!
Lunch Lady Jan said…
Oh Anesha, I'm so sorry to hear about Skipper...these pets leave a huge hole, don't they? Sending big hugs,
LLJ xx
Jans Funny Farm said…
How wonderful to have 18 years with this beautiful kitty. Yet we know the sadness when the time comes to leave. Very sorry for your loss.
Artyjen said…
Oh Anesha! I’m so sorry to be reading this....I haven’t been in blog land for quite some time I’m afraid.
Sending you hugs across the ether....I know how hard it must have Sioux xoxo
Beccy said…
I'm so sorry to read about your beautiful Skipper, Anesha, my sympathies are with you and your family. Thinking of you all xxx
Pretinha said…
Lamento muito que Skipper partiu.
Um abraço carinhoso pra você.
I'm so sorry to hear about your beautiful Skipper. Sending you a hug during this difficult time.