Oil painting of Skipper

Thought I would share this oil painting on canvas which I did of Skipper. It was done two months ago for one of my assignments. I plan on doing a few more paintings of her this year. 

I should be bring home her ashes later today. 


Lady Jane said…
I am so sorry about Skipper. That painting is just beautiful. You are so lucky to have a talent so precious. hugs, lj
brenda said…
How beautiful Anesha, you have captured her so well.

That's going to be tough, sending prayers, be strong.

B x
Dotty Jo said…
Gorgeous! You've captured her beautifully. Jo x
this is beautiful !!! don't you dare ever say you "can't paint" totally jealous; but in a good way... ☺☺♥♥
Tamago said…
What a wonderful painting of your beautiful Skipper. Thinking about you as you are going through a sad time.. Hugs xo
Dawn Phillips said…
This is so gorgeous. It's a lovely lasting memory of her. Love Dawn x
Sylvia said…
Wonderful painting,Anesha.This is a beautiful memory.

Such a beautiful picture of your Beautiful girl.
Hope today is not too sad for you, Skipper will be back home where she belongs, forever.

Artyjen said…
What a beautiful artwork of Skipper....clever girl xoxo Sioux
Beautiful artwork well done
What a beautiful portrait of Skipper. You are so talented and I'm sure your art will help you heal in your loss of SKipper.
Beccy said…
A gorgeous tribute to your sweet Skipper. I hope your art brings you a little bit of comfort Anesha.
Andrea, said…
This is beautiful Anesha, such a lovely memory of Skipper x
So sorry to hear that you have lost skipper Dear Anesha!! Just found your blog again! We have been back from Malaysia a few months ago! Hope all is well with you and Richard! Take care and talk to you soon!! Germaine
Marina said…
What a beautiful portrait of your beloved cat. It's quite amazing.
Wow gorgeous painting of Skipper, I find cats very hard to draw/paint, well done ! I hope you are doing well, hugs, Shirley
I love this painting of your beautiful girl. The expression is lovely. ♥