Patch and Flower

It's so nice to have furry babies again. The house was too quite when Skipper left us in January.  Patch and Flower are getting on so well together and they are so much fun. Thank you Joan from God's Little People Cat Rescue for looking after these two for us. Joan, her husband and helper do such an amazing job looking after these discarded kitties. 

Have a wonderful day.


cuilliesocks said…
Two beautiful kitties Anesha, pleased to hear they get along so well, and that you are having joy having them in your home, Kate x
Valerie-Jael said…
They are beautiful. I'm happy that there are people who give their time to rescue these poor cats. Valerie
Tamago said…
Awww they are both so cute! I'm very happy for you and also for them to have found a wonderful home!
brenda said…
Nice to see them getting along so nicely Anesha and the are both beautiful.

B x
wavez two ewe patch N flower frum de land oh fish N friez ...we iz buzzed happee ya get a long sew well with each other !! N we iz glad skipper sended ewe both ta mum N dad :)♥♥♥☺☺☺ heerz two a grate week end !!
We sure do miss Skipper. But we are so glad you've adopted new furry babies!!!
Smudge said…
Patch and Flower sure are two beautiful little kitties. Isn't it so sad to have to refer to any cat as "discarded"? People can suck!